Noise from volume controller of a Electrocompaniet ECI5-MKII

Hi guys,I have a 3 year old Electrocompaniet ECI5-MKII integrated amplifier. I experience noise when turning up/down the volume. The volume controller is engine controlled.
Does anybody here have experience with cleaning the volume controller for such an amplifier? Per recommendation, I have bought cleaning fluid from CAIG DeOxit.
Thanks for helping
Cheers, Johnny
Hey, thanks for the suggestion. I will try this tomorrow and let you know how it worked out.
Hi there!

I believe I have the same issue with an ECI-3 I recently got second hand. Could you please help me a little bit more?

1. Does it make any difference which CAIG DEOXIT you use (or any other similar product)? For example I found two products available CAIG DEOXIT D5S-6P and CAIG DEOXIT F5 FADERLUBE. 

2. I am not very familiar with the terminology. Is the any possibility to post a photo/video of what needs to be sprayed? :D

Thanks anyway!