Please answer for dummies: Any way to increase power from a Chinese tube amp?

I decided to set up a second audio system in my bedroom mostly to learn and play around with.  Initially I had an old Marantz receiver but became interested in some of the Chinese knock-offs.  I bought a pair of the Mistral "LS3/5a" speakers and was pleased with them for the price.  Then I decided to see what a vacuum tube amp sounded like and bought a Chinese tube amp (Reisong 12 watts per channel).  I like that too except that now I am wanting to play it louder and some sources seem to have less volume than others.  So...I was wondering if there is anything I can do inexpensively that would would work with the Chinese tube amp to give it more power.  I listen to everything from classical to 70s rock to jazz and country and I mostly either stream from Amazon Prime via a Sonos Connect or play vinyl on my Teac TN300 with an Ortofon 2M Red or listen to an occasional CD on my Denon DCD 620.  I am nearly 80 and can't afford to purchase new audiophile level pieces. And did I say that I do not understand most of what I read on these threads so write simply.
Agree with the above posters that your speakers aren't efficient enough, and/or your amp isn't powerful enough. I also agree that you could increase volume control on the streamer but the problem is REMEMBERING TO TURN IT BACK DOWN BEFORE YOU LISTEN TO RECORDS OR CDs. So, for that reason, I would suggest you get different speakers or get a different amp.
Thanks for all the responses.  I like the tube amp and I like the speakers. I appreciate imhififan7  commenting on my being able to safely play with both the app and amp volume controls turned up.  I can manage to avoid switching to CD or Vinyl while the volume is turned up.  I am preparing to take off for a vacation and will not be able to respond to additional comments.  Thanks again..