LessLoss Firewall for Loudspeakers

I just read the 6 moons review of the LessLoss firewall for Loudspeakers, interested if anyone has tried it yet and what is your opinion. 

Hi @ozzy after your comment a few weeks back I listened to see if I could here this and I don’t think they are.

The increased clarity and separation in my system is quite significant, I am still totally amazed at the difference to my system.
So when I use my DIY speaker cable the Lessloss units seem to work ok. But when I use my Cerious Matrix speaker cables I do think the upper frequencies are slightly subdued.
I can tell that the midrange is more pronounced and it does make vocals much more enjoyable.

I'm gonna continue trying these out as long as I can before making a decision.

NO softening on HF on my Magico A3's. What I find most stunning about these devices is the 3D expansion of the soundstage way beyond the speakers. Where'd they go? Neal

Well  after using the LessLoss Firewall for Loudspeakers for about a week now I just removed them. 

And again, I think I like the sound better without them. To me, they color the sound somewhat and remove some of the dynamics or rawness that is in the recording.

I do appreciate the fact that I have been able to try these (2 times in fact) but they just don't add anything positive to my system.



As we used to say in The Bronx when I was growing up: De gustibus non est disputandum! Neal