Thoughts about buying a Bedini 100

Hello to all...

Have never had a tube amp. 2 vintage Bedini amps for sale close to me: Bedini 100 for $500, Bedini 150 for $900...

Thoughts/suggestions for those with vintage tube amp experience, especially Bedini owner/former owners.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions...
Bedini:  made some very nice amplifiers.  Even to today's standards they are very nice.  I repaired and upgraded some . 

I repaired and even upgraded his amps and I discussed my changes with John Bedini before he passed away and he liked my changes.  He was very helpful in discussing his circuitry and also went through the trouble to look through his storage facility for circuit boards and parts for his amps.  

I have kept my 250/250 MK II (upgraded) and i really like it.  I've compared his amps to other more well known amps and they compete very nicely.  

These amps have very clean circuitry that makes them relatively easy to work on and provides excellent sound.

For that price, I would grab them.  Even the higher powered amps.


The amps are price fairly to slightly high. Unless they are rebuilt, then grab one. They really do need to have all electrolytics replaced.  I have had in my home 3 classics of the era,  when rebuilt, these amplifiers are all very good. Take a look around...

Bedini 25/25
Sumo Nine
Kinergetics Research KBA-75

Oddly,  before upgrading them, I would have put the Sumo slightly behind the other 2,  but after the rebuild and getting rid of some nasty caps on the boards,  I ended up liking it best by a small margin..... But really, all 3 redone would be excellent.   Tim 
I believe that an Agon member has my old KBA-75.... This is a nice amp, I would love to have it back. 
Spoke with tech about the BELDINI 100: said no mods, replacements or upgrades have been done. Assures me it could (probably) last another 10 years ( YEAH, RIGHT!)... Said to replace all the " necessaries" would be about $500, which might be reasonable but to me sounds like (again) too much - I really don't want to spend that much for a power amp...
I really want to spend less than $500: have one Parasound HCA-750a -  anyone's thoughts about using another of these to setup Parasounds as Mono amps ( take out the Yamaha)? Or suggest another alternative amp. I will want to bi-amp or at least bi-wire the KEFs...