What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?

While watching vids on YouTube, I came across this pipe speaker design from a Dr. Linkwitz (see below).   The sound of this speaker is said to be impressive.  I was wondering if you know about this, how it works and what you think of this speaker design.  Also, what do you think would be the best room placement for such a speaker, and would you be tempted to build them?

Kenjit, if your questions are so brilliant and so vitally important, why isn’t everyone clamoring in outrage for me to answer them?
because nobody seems to care about your designs when there are other less expensive ones out there. 

Incidentally, i just found an article that confirms my suspicion that narcississm pretty much applies to everybody. 


it says 

A tendency toward narcissism is present in everyone, to more or less of a degree

Ive also pointed out above, Dukes behavior which is narcississtic. 
He fails to acknowledge this. 

Its ok to be a narcissist Duke. Being a narcissist is probably a good thing anyway when it comes to speaker design. It helps you to strive for PERFECTION. Can we now go back to discussing the topic of speakers? Promise, no more insults?


Undefeated Champion bar none 

" Can we now go back to discussing the topic of speakers? Promise, no more insults? "

Are you actually offering to change YOUR behavior, or only asking me to change mine? Please answer this question because it is important. However in this case a non-answer is still an answer.

I CAN promise you this:

As long as you take an adversarial approach and belittle or attack others, as far as I’m concerned your narcissistic behavior should be called out so that others are not duped. People have a right to know when they are dealing with someone whose behavior is toxic. And I will out you.

And if you stop, so will I.

I have seen you post in a non-adversarial way, so I know you can do it. Non-adversarial is my default mode, but in this thread I have chosen to give you a taste of your own medicine.

If you stop, then so will I.

I am of the personal opinion that Kenjit has never actually discussed speakers. To discuss speakers at the level he purports to what to discuss would require a level of knowledge of speakers, and acoustics that is certainly not self evident in the posts. The simple lack of acceptance that because no two rooms are the same, there can be no perfect speaker, or that because playback is a recreation of something with no where near all the original information, makes defining the perfect speaker impossible, shows Kenjit no possessing at this point the skills or knowledge to have the discussion that is being encouraged.

Lacking said knowledge, one gets hung up in implementation details, i.e. woofer/cabinet resonances, as opposed to more critical system level details, such as controlling off axis energy and time of arrival.

We all have narcissistic tendencies, it is what keeps us alive and can lead to success and drive, but NPD (narcissistic personality disorder), take it to a whole different level and is a recognized personality disorder in the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Duke's post from the Mayo clinic mirrors the old DSM-IV description which is easier to understand. The updated DSM-V clinical description is here as well as a DSM-IV comparison. Not dealing with personality disorders can lead to a difficult and unhappy life, even though you may achieve a level of career success.


Undefeated Champion bar none“

Nope....sorry, self appointed titles carry zero clout nor credibility in the real world.  

Well folks, the next act will hopefully be better.  
It’s funny when people can not see they have a < 5% approval rating yet continually prop themselves up as champions of the people.  
SMDH.....what was Ron White’s famous quote from a few years back?  Ya can’t fix ......