CD Transports

Greetings. I am setting up a second system for the basement and am using a 1978 Sherwood receiver. At first I was going to just use the turntable with it and play the tuner occasionally but then thought I'd like to play some CDs. In my main system I have a Rega Apollo R hooked up to an Exogal Comet/Ion. Clearly I don't need the DAC in the Rega so I reasoned that it may be better to transfer the unit to the basement and get a transport, namely the Cambridge Audio CXC, for the upstairs primo set-up. Does that sound reasonable? The CD format is moribund so I don't see the point of getting a top dollar one--most of my CDs are ripped on the laptop and I just kept some rare European favorites. I was also tempted to buy a 1995 Marantz CC 45 5-CD player for the basement, but it is probably not such a great performer. Do I reason correctly that the CXC is my best option? I think the DAC in their Topaz player is not as good but that sounds like a decent player too. Thanks for advice. rt
Just to let everyone know, per an email response to my query to Cambridge Audio, the difference between the CXC and the CXC V2 is 100% cosmetic (the finish/color). There is no difference in features, specs or functionality. 
I too, have the Audiolab 6000 CDT(silver of course).  I'm running it through two optional DACs. My onboard DAC in my P6 preamp which sounds very good(IMO) and a separate Schiit Gungnir MB. I've had the Transport for about a year and it's been excellent so far. I passed on the CXC because of several reviewers that had problems with component reliability and less than good support from Cambridge Audio.
I got the chance to listen to an Audiolab 6000CDT in my system yesterday and was rather impressed. While it it didn’t have the resolving power or authority of the Wadia it did most things right musically, and from memory certainty struck me as being sonically superior to the CXC.

Most importantly, if I didn’t have the Wadia it provided a sound I could live with. So generally a big thumbs up.
 I have had the Audiolab CDT for several months. Can't recommend it enough. One of the best audio purchases I've made.
    A friend of mine has the Cambridge CXC. He is considering replacing it with the Audiolab and moving the CXC to another setup.
No issues with it; mainly aesthetics are at play as much as anything .