In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment

While the world is in the middle of a major economic event, the last two pieces of gear posted by Stereophile to their online site average $30K a piece.

If this doesn't make you feel like you belong to their target audience I don't know what will.
Follow-up on the Florida data manipulation claim.

Jones now says she's been fired from the state Department of Health. In a statement to CBS12 News in West Palm Beach, Fla., Jones said her dismissal came after she refused to "manually change data to drum up support for the plan to reopen." 

All of Florida entered the first phase of recovery this week when the two largest counties joined the rest of the state in opening restaurants, retail stores and barber shops. 

At a news conference in Tallahassee, Gov. Ron DeSantis called Jones' departure from the Health Department a "nonissue." He said he'd seen an email she sent her supervisor saying she never intended to suggest the information on the dashboard might be less reliable going forward. DeSantis said he believes from the email that "she was tired and needed a break." 

About 250,000 Ferraris and Lambos ever made, estimate 50% still on road = 125,000 but average owner actually has 2, so perhaps 62,500 current owners.  Total current audience of all those magazine is ~ 20 million. Let's be generous and say 1/2 of owners are regular readers = (1-31,250 / 20,000,000) * 100 = 99.84% .... sorry for my mistake, I will better account for that 0.06% next time :-)

geoffkait21,924 posts05-20-2020 12:43pmYou’re not really good with numbers, are you?

I hate to be judgmental but you’re not very good with jokes, either. Tee hee 🤗

To teaudio’s point, 99.9% of people who read Car and Driver, Motor Trend or Road & Track will every own a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or McClaren, but that is what people want to read about.