Wilson Watt Puppy, which version?

I am thinking of getting into the WIlson line with the Watt Puppy's. I have heard a few before in showrooms and I enjoyed them. I can not afford a new one, so looking at the previous ones there were several versions produced over the years. Can anyone explain the differences and if there are any "sweet spots" in the line up. ie is every newer version better or was there a point of diminishing return with the introduction of newer versions? I am trying to stay under 10k for a used pair. Thank you
Wilson Watt Puppy, which version? IMO ,none.The Sophia 2 and 3 is where I would go if buying Wilson..again thats a big IF!
Buy the 7's in VA a great deal @$8500 and driving distance from you!!! Why do people that don't like WP's respond to questions about WP's!!!.
Why do people that don't like WP's (Wilson) respond to questions about WP's!!!.
Good question, but it is a given they will.
It's also interesting that people that don't like Wilson also aways recommend the Sophia's among the Wilson line-up.

Wilson isn't for everybody, just like Sonus, B&W, panel speakers, etc. . .

People shouldn't buy any of them without not having heard them first - unless of course they are willing to sell them if not satisfied. Speakers are tougher than amps, etc. . . to sell due to their difficult shipping nature.

I think it should be fairly easy to audition past generations. OP should post his general location and seek member invitations. I would be more than happy to accomodate somebody seeking such an invitiation.
I also suggest the Sophia 2 unless Vdosc is considering a different power amp. At one point I owned a VT100Mk2 and WP5.1's. The ARC doesn't have enough juice to drive the WP, the 5's through 8's are a similar load, to their full potential. Yes it will sound good, but you won't get the bass control and slam you'll get with a amp with more beef.

With his amp the Sophia 2 would be a better match.