B&W 802 Diamond Stands

I recently purchased a pair of the B&W Diamond 802's. I am extremely pleased with the speakers and when I listen in nearfield (7' away and 6'5" spacing between the speakers) they do great in my 16 x 14 x 10 room. However, if I widen the distance between the speakers a bit and move the chair back a few more feet I get a more expansive and coherant presentation, but some occasional bass overload.

So I am wondering if the supplied tip-toes will make a material difference or some stands (Sound Anchors) will help the overload at all. Room treatments really aren't an option given that the room's walls and corners are pretty well covered and/or filled up.
Thanks for the comparison - that's about what I would have thought. With the 802 having bigger drivers and much more cabinet volume they are going to have much more bass impact. The tricky thing is making it work in a smallish room without having problems, which it looks like is the problem that you are facing. Sounds like tonally they are a bit more on the warmer side compared with the Piegs.
I have been fine tuning the room chair speaker relationship and I think I just about have it. In my 16x14x10 room they are about 7 feet apart now and I am sitting about 8 feet back. Each speaker is about five feet from the back wall and 3 from the side walls. The sound is coherent, musical and virtually no more boom (I put em up tip toes and raised the height of my chair too).

They are lovely and they rock. Was listening to a Liberty Blue Note pressing of Art Blakey's Jazz Corner of the World last night. Blakey's drum kit was huge and full of snap. And Hank Mobley's and Lee Morgan's tenor and trumpet, respectively, just leapt out of the speakers. Really something.
Oh, and I have a pair of Classe CT-M600s on the way to replace the CAM-350s. Katy bar that door :)
Sounds like you have them dialed in - very nice! I've found that big B&Ws like big amps - those new Classes should bring things up a notch or two
sounds awesome. wish we could compare sound in person, Im in Long Island NY. I use a Classe DR-25 250/ch and an ARC LS-7 wish I could hear your rig. Glad the tip toes help. but sounds like you could afford the soundanchor stands. Is your floor carpeted. Did you post any pics?
See my virtual pics, they are old but you get the idea