Has anyone switched from Dynaudio to Harbeth

I'm currently running 3.4's but I've been getting the bug lately to try Harbeths. I have listened to them a couple of times and really like them. There not as neutral as the Dyn's
but they seem more musical. I have never compared the speakers directly so It's really a tough call. Any Imput would be helpful.
Yeah, I went from Kharma 3.2s to Harbeth SHL5s and I have to say there is a level of detail missing from the Harbeths
that I miss. But the Kharma highs were too hard to take with non-classical music. Maybe there's a happy medium out there somewhere...
I disagree with Missioncoonery. I have music I like is is not the best production. If the recording is bad, I don't want to hear how bad it is, I wan't to be able to enjoy it. So if your priorities are to have a system that makes you enjoy your music, looks like Harbeth is the way to go. If you have a system where you want completely revealing, then maybe the Dyns. good luck.
I've made a comparison Contour S 1.4 vs. Harbeth Super SHL5 and I definitly prefer the Contours. Maybe for people that listen especially vocals Harbeth may be regarded as interesting ; IMO Contour is a fantastic allrounder.
I switched from Harbeth to Dynaudio, but I could see going the other way, too.
I have both Contour S 1.4 and Harbeth Super SHL5.Harbeth Shl5 are on higher level as speaker,very engaging,have cleaner midrange,more details in midrange,bass,presents bigger scale of music.Contour have more details in high frequencies.Let say dyn are more boring,relaxing ,I use them when I want take a nap :)