Considering A SS amplifier

Currently have a PS Audio BHK 250 Signature, but am finding tubes really aren’t my thing, even just a small pair of them. Currently have some Telefnken 6922 in there, have had Siemens 6922 gold pins also.

Considering either a Maker G7 or a pair of AVM Essential Monoblocks. Can’t listen to either before purchase, so its going to be an experiment. Yes both are off the used market. 

Pre amp is a Halcro DM8.

Anyone have any experiences with either of these?
I tried to look up the specs of these speakers. They appear to be 93db efficient. That is very efficient. I have read here at AG when you cannot use enough of your volume it is a bad thing. I believe Klipsch horns have some of the same issues. 
Speaker placement and room correction are huge. Do you have something to prevent 1st or 2nd reflection points. I saw these speakers can really fan out 60*-90* from the teeters. 
I am not sure but maybe you can bi-wire them using two different speaker cables. Maybe even some Romex from the hardware store for the bass and regular speaker cables for the highs. Be careful with silver. I see these speakers have incredible highs and silver might start to rip your ears off. Please try to get the amp close to the speakers and do longer XLR IC if you can. More power and less noise. 
Some times I see people put bases under these speakers and angle them up. Buy some shims for doors at Home Depot and see if it helps. 
I agree with everyone about the amp choices for SS but add Classe and Jeff Roland to amp to try. These speakers are really nice. They are like the JBL S4700’s. You might want to see what works well with them and you might have to call a JBL dealer and see what they recommend. 
Try to stick with copper speaker wire and IC for now until you solve this puzzle. My experience is silver is great at bigger gauges but tends to remove the realism of the sound sometimes and is very expensive. A lot of people have better results with 10 ga copper wire. I biwire with Analasys Plus 12 ga blue for the woofer and 2-16 ga purple for the highs. I know it’s wired but the way the current travels on the smaller ga wire but doubling them up sounds awesome! This is their bulk wire. I use to have the Solo Crystal oval 8 biwire but decided to sell it because it did not make that much of a difference on my system. I wish I had it now for the low end. 

Hello NeonKnight,
I have just sold and moved on from a complete PS Audio setup with DS DAC, BHK Pre and BHK 250 amp.  I have two systems, so swapping gear was easy.  In the end, I found the PS Audio all a bit 'less clear' and less resolving than nice SS stuff.  To directly compare the amps, I liked the clarity of my older Classe Audio CA-2300 amp better than the BHK 250.  I also now have a pair of Mola Mola Kalugas that are amazing...and I said 'no class D amps!'.  Well I ate those words.  My replacements for the PS Audio stuff is: Auralic Vega G2 DAC (much more resolving), Audionet Pre 1 G3 Preamp (amazing and a deal previously owned through GTT Audio), and my Classe amp.  The entire system is so much cleaner sounding now.  Much clearer, much quieter (I always heard noise from my B&W N802's with the PS Audio, not anymore), and just more interesting and (to me) enjoyable.  My dream list includes the Audionet Amps, again GTT Audio...  Upstairs my new stuff is all Mola Mola; Makua Pre amp  with internal DAC, and the Kaluga mono amps.  Symply amazing clarity, dynamics, etc.  And it is so pretty...Good luck!  Ken.
neonknight~I get what you're saying.  The people who say that cables, and esp speaker cables, make no difference are people who've only had one brand/'s crazy how much difference they make!  And [as so many other things w/this hobby], what sort of synergy they have with your system, and esp the amp[s] and speakers, for obvious reasons.  I have 4 brands at my house now, from cheap to "more than I want to admit", and the one that I settled on is nearly the least expensive...they are MAGIC in my setup, while the others sound either muddy [the cheapest] or bright [the most expensive] or OK but where did the detail go? [next to the most expensive].  So, I totally get your "crazy hobby" line...If you want to know the brand of the ones that won out, let me know.  If anyone wants to know if all 4 sets have exactly the same burn-in time, and are exactly the same length, don't bother...the final arbitror is not someone who is trying to pick holes in my process or statements, it's my ears ~ when you get something that works, and I mean REALLY works, in your system, you know it. 
@fastfreightI am on board with you regarding the pre and the DAC. The DAC did not work well for me at all, and I preferred my trusty old Audio Magic DAC to it with redbook by a country mile. Funny thing is I have yet to find a meaningful replacement for it, as it sounds mighty good with redbook. I would like to explore other formats, however, it has to sound good with plain old CDs because many of the artists I like are independents who release their own music and they are only going to be on plain old cd's. 

Now the pre-amp could have drove me to drink, and it sure did cost me a lot of money in trying to find a tube that would allow me to like it. This is what I hate about tube audio, finding what really works well in a component, and knowing what the sound is really supposed to be like. Heck I was a tube guy from when I got my first Dynaco ST 70 at age 19,, to when I got these JBL and found out they are not SET amplification compatible. Even though they spec like they should be. 

The amplifier seems to be the best choice out of the product line. With a set of Siemens 6922 gold pin in it I get nice sound. The questions is can it be better? To be honest the most engaging, not necessarily the most refined, sound I have gotten from it was with a Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 integrated amp. I should have kept that one. But I sold it to a good friend, and I got it at a steal of a price, and he has financial constraints so I was able to set him up with good sound. I found a killer killer deal for him on a Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista DAC also. Then we lucked into a score of a lifetime on a pair of Vandersteen 3A and upgraded over his 2CE. 

OK back on track. I did have a H2O Audio 250 Signature here, and its a nice Class D amp, but the BHK is more natural sounding. If I tried Class D again I hear good things being said about the JRDG ones. To be honest I have an initial acceptance for the sale of a pair of AVM Essential mono-block amps from a guy on an audio group I know. But shipping is from the other side of the country, he had a deal go bad on a previous sale, so he is somewhat reluctant to do this again. He says give him a couple of weeks to get up the ambition to pack them. So I am waiting. Not much info out there on AVM amps, especially these, but I find that the presentation of much of the German gear I hear seems to align with what these JBL would work with. Its a calculated risk. But under $2K for a $10K pair of amps that are about 10 years old and in excellent shape seems like a good gamble. 

Audio is an adventure! Its interesting to see where the trails lead.