Worth the effort? Cabling inside sub

I'm upgrading a Zu Undertone Mk II sub.

- I'm gonna recap it, since I've found the caps are a lower tier brand.
- The cabling to the driver itself looks real good.

BUT, the wires for the signal input. Would you upgrade them? I'm thinking... they are really thin. See pix in link.

ALSO: other things to consider? 

Pix link: http://https//www.dropbox.com/sh/i21cd3shuvnzh55/AAD3StrKl8wZ8coYrWb69v6Aa?dl=0
The people who built your sub may have an idea or two.
Have you asked Mr. Casey?
He may posit that you are rearranging deck chairs
or perhaps he will have a Dirty Weekend Sub deal?
Keep us posted please.
I'm ready! Show me! I've actually been thinking about it lately. 

They actually do have this weird oily-ness to them! Thanks for the heads up. So. Nothing to gain from other cables, then, I gather, expect potential health problems?
I love the lava lamp (a tweak I would never have thought of)😊
A lot of effort/dedication put into that system.
Post removed 
I’m going to express a minority opinion here, which is admittedly based just on technical considerations and not on directly relevant experience. And which is stated with great respect for those who have expressed contrary opinions.

From a technical standpoint I find it inconceivable that upgrading a few inches of wire carrying extremely miniscule amounts of current, in a situation where the accuracy with which frequencies above the bass region are conveyed is unimportant, could provide a significant sonic benefit. Couple that with the potential health risk which @terry9 astutely cited, and I see no point in undertaking this effort.

Also, regarding ...

The green circled cables will be swapped. But I’m thinking... the red circled cables are also the link to the driver. Betting this should be swapped, too?

Although I’m not completely certain I believe that the wires circled in red are **inputs** to the Hypex amplifier module, rather than wires carrying the high currents that are provided to the driver. If so my comments apply to those wires as well as to the ones circled in green.

IMO. Regards,
-- Al