Linear Tracker ...I was wondering

Is there a not too expensive (less than $¹⁰⁰⁰) and good linear tracking tonearm that I could mount on my SL1200MK5? 


I believe I have seen posts from you in the past, where you refer to M.Fremer more than a few times to reinforce your position.

When you hear a true linear tracker for the first time, you'll know it—the absence of the etchy, pinched character present in all pivoted arms is among the most obvious differences. You're not really aware of it when listening to the best pivoted arms, but when it's gone, what a difference!

Does it get more audiophile than that? They are not for everyone and I think you just happen to be one of these "not for everyone" people. Why can't you accept this and move on. I take it from the wording in your post that you have not setup, and/or heard a true linear tracker in your own system.


Talking Tech. There are folks in this Audio hobby, that enjoy finding out how the components in their chain work. Once the understanding is there, what's the crime in sharing that information with other like minded technical folks? Be it turntables, tonearms, speakers, amps/preamps, etc...

When it comes to tech, here's all you need to know: the one and only advantage is tracking error.
So just how big a problem is tracking error?

No, I think you are forgetting the bigger advantage, and the real reason IMO for the pinched sound that Fremer describes so eloquently.

1084 results on AudioGon alone

Woofer Pumping is a distance 2nd place, at 471 results.

ct, Michael Fremer is FOS. He uses a SAT arm "the best sounding arm ever made." By the way the largest benefit of a linear tracker is not reduced tracking error. It is no skating force in theory. The major defect is a horizontal resonance that is going to be too low or a vertical one that is too high messing up the bass (most common)
No linear tracker except the Walker has survived the test of time. With the exception of the Clearaudio they are all inherently more complicated and prone to failure and deteriorating performance. The Clearaudio is prone to dirt. On the other hand a good pivoted arm is immortal as long as you don't drop it or let your wife use it. Skating is controllable within limits and tracking error can not be heard. I personally have never heard a linear tracker sound better than a pivoted arm. I have never heard one sound as good as a Kuzma 4 Point 14 with a Koetsu in it. 
mijostyn - By the way the largest benefit of a linear tracker is not reduced tracking error. It is no skating force in theory.

What do you think I emphasized in the previous post - LOL.
try clicking on the link.

You know I am on this forum through the winter usually, and then I disappear unless I get a notification. I don’t even recall you on this forum previous winter.


The OP is looking for a good linear arm for 1k or under.
He didn't ask which is better... pivot or linear.

Go for it and let us know how it worked out for you.
Have fun.....