Emotiva not so good

Emotiva amps are good until you hear another brand in the same space.
I don't have any of their amps yet. But I use their USP-1 & UMC-1 preamps with good results . I have had Counterpoint, McIntosh preamps that you would have a hard time saying one was better than the other. My son has a Emo amp with a Acurus pre and B&W speakers that he enjoys.
I heard um, have to light a fire to get um' warmed up, and then, well they still suck. A buddy that was deaf, I guess, thought they were the cats meow. Man could they spin a meter and still sound bad. I just don't care for them..I'd take an old Adcom over the one's I heard anyday..XPA, XPRs and the little ones. The problem with the Adcoms, DC offset. They will fry speakers, when they mess up, they had their problems too, leakey caps, cause the DC offset...Old news anyways..

My buddy goheelz...there is always one like you to starts with the name calling so maybe you are the troll.
I tried a few Emotiva amps and found them to be inexpensive amps that do inexpensive things well. I get tied of companies that sell their products as something they're not - that’s it. They use the word audiophile and I feel that this is misleading.
Can't speak about the amps but the new Emotiva ERC-4 CDP/DAC sounds rich and full in my system.