Future of cables!


I know very little about cable technology & even less about quantum physics. I read this & immediately thought (10+yrs down the road) this would upend cable tech: efficiency, clarity, & probably a bunch of stuff I don’t even know about that goes into cable science.

So, say hello to your new 2030 $70k cables. I’m curious what other people think.
tochsii, The same amount of electric charge that flows to the speaker returns back to the amplifier. What is energy source then and why this energy flows always toward speaker even with direction changing AC current. It is because energy is delivered on the outside of the wire. This energy corresponds to flow of electric charge, so everything that happens in the wire affects electromagnetic field. Anytime you have electric field you also have magnetic field and vice versa. They always go in pair and affect each other. That’s why dielectric, that is on the outside of the wire, affect speed of the electric current inside of the wire.

To understand why energy is delivered only from source to load, even with AC current, imagine battery (source), two wires and resistor (load). Presence of resistor introduces electric field (voltage drop) from + to - wire, while current flow introduces magnetic field clockwise in direction of the current (right hand rule). Electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular, like X and Y axis while energy flow is perpendicular to both of them like axis Z. This is Poynting Vector showing direction of energy flow. When current changes direction both electric and magnetic fields also change direction causing Poynting vector to keep the same direction. Look at the drawing of the battery and resistor here:

Remember that quantum mechanics does not follow classical rules. There is a difference between quantum and classical, and they cannot be reconciled. That was what baked Planck's noodle for so long. We often know that the mathematics and observed behavior of QM works a certain way, but are at a complete loss to explain why. When Planck finally solved the Rayleigh-Jeans problem of blackbody radiation, he had replaced the continuous functions found in classical physics with quantized functions and statistical mechanics. It was a mathematical trick—he knew it worked, but had no idea how or why. How do electron transfers occur between allowed energy levels? We know the jump is instantaneous, but how do they 'know' where they will end up? There are myriad unanswered questions in QM that we are still investigating all the time.

It's entirely possible that this new ballistic wire does not follow any traditional models of classical EM radiation, meaning magnetic flux, field, etc. may be entirely irrelevant. 

I should also point out that this may have been a study performed on a piece of material microns long, and even that may have been incredibly expensive to manufacture. Then there is the problem of creating these electron clusters. I am guessing a traditional electrical power source will not do it.

Anyway, thanks for the read—very interesting, and I love to read things in my field.