Help- audiophile husband just dies

Help- audiophile husband just died 

Can anyone recommend a person in the Philadelphia area to come look at my deceased husbands audio collection. Tune amps, headphones, gold cables ... I need to sell and want decent advice. Please email
I don’t really know how to use this forum so email best if ya have any advice. Thank you! Julie

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Thanks, y'all.....My faith in AG's 'community' has been restored, but...

@twoch...Oh, just....'Silence'....*baleful stare*

I am very sorry for your loss. I live in Villanova close to the city. If you need any help please pm me. I can come photograph the equipment if you need. It is very easy to see how much similar equipment has sold for to get an estimate of its value. 
I join in your pain for the loss of your husband ... I am in Italy (Rome) and I am happy that many people are helping you.
Everything will be fine


(sorry my english)