Hello everyone,
OK. You made the trip and or really wanted to, are ready to see everything on your short list.


aside from those who will or want to do it all, what rooms would you put on your short list to check out foremost?

last year I had few preffs on what to see. I wanted to see it all going in but that changed given logistics, waiting times, and then locating the particular gear to check out. this year I’ll use a different approach and check out just those items I’m really interested in, and if time permits, see some other rooms

so, what is your standard Audio Show plan?
BTW, I got the bit on wearing comfy shoes!

or, what is it in this show you defintely want to hear?

I missed a couple of the big room heavy hitters  last year like MBsL and VAC/VSA. and interestingly enough stumbled into the MurAudio/Merrill Audio demo simply was sheer audio Heaven as was the Classic Audio/Atmas/PAD in the big room called the Pavillion.
hopefully there will be another unexpected setup that has the same hair rasing effect on the senses this year. I wonder who it will be?



+1 on the Celeste. both models were set up in the living room section of the suite facing away from the opening to it. this made things quite intimate. roughly a 12 x 12 section give or take some either way.

given how they ran off a reputed 20wpc $2K or so hollow state INT amp… these came off as a no brainer selection as mains for various rigs… secondary rig, office, bedroom and as the ‘go to’ system if a stricter budget prevails.

i saw at Raven’s website where they afford a 30 day trial, so there’s that.

I regret not spending more time there.
BlindJim....just call Dave at Raven.  You already heard the speakers and saw his amps.  I have first hand experience with both.  Dave can get you the best set-up possible for your budget.  Trust me....Trust Dave.  

thanks for the heads up and offer to assist.

I’m not in a position to make a purchasing decision just yet.

I am glad I’ve seen what I’ve seen recently however via the fla expo. also, I’m still torn between going with Horns or cones.

as well, I’m awaiting culmination of some legal action which appears favorable but whose time line is beyond my control.

again, thanks for the offer but I’d never obligate anyone to anything by way of auditions if I did not have the funds to pay for it before hand.

sadly, I just gotta wait a while longer. be well. .
Blindjim...I had Sonus Faber Amati Tradition Homage speakers that I thought were fantastic.  I sold my home and the buyers demanded my whole two channel system.  The good news is I got to start over.  I went on a speaker hunt this past summer.  I never in a million years thought I would be interested in Horn speakers.  Then, i listened to a pair of Avantgarde speakers and I became intrigued.  From there on I was on a horn mission.  I love the sound of horn speakers and i decided on Viking Acoustic Grande Voix speakers.  

Heck of a story;. Glad things worked out for ya in discovering new worlds. going where you had not ventured before!

My first few rigs ended up sounding quite similar though with bvaried SS pieces.

then half and half HS & SS.

then came the ‘all in’ idea on a 100% hollow state power train and my world changed utterly. in a very positive way.

suddenly, life happend as it tends to do. crack heads. home invasion attempts. then downturns in orthopedic health. it al made what was on hand vanish, almost entirely and all for security’s sake..

a few more episodes in health and senseless delays in due process.

then in that period I got to see what several other’s in my area had erected for themselves, here and there.

it all has been educational, and eye opening on numerous fronts.

the tube amps alone set up the notion ffor using other tube amp topologies than ultralinnear or sET EL34s and then came my AG Unos, AG D
Duos, and later, other horns.

the 2019 FLA show aided and added to my horn education. aG showed later ver of aG Uno w/powered bass unit, and its trios. I was not enamored and lent it towards the particular setup or musiccal choices in play for whatever reason.

Classic Audio horns of them all grrabbed me most. a friend owns original Klipschorns and they are interesting in spite of being 30 years old.

the unsettling aspect for me is knowing there are untold ways and means to get a piece of audio heaven in your listening room but feel to date tubes are the mile markers for me to follow on the high way to fun in audio land.

the particular ingredients freemain to be seen, and I supppose that is where the intrigue and interst which compells me is imbedded.

guess its true as Kipling said, life is not a riddle to be puzzled out, but a mystery to be lived.