Chemically Altered Audio

Is there any interest in a discussion about home-made formulae that can significantly enhance audio quality? After reading some recent threads here, it appears that one company which had been involved in this aspect of audio is no longer in business, and has no immediate plans to reopen. I would not be making this offer if that company was still operating. My recent experiments in this area are extensive, and most of it is unique. The experiments are not influenced by the products of any other company. I would like to share the results, if it's not too controversial, and if such a discussion would not cause difficulties for anyone actively involved in the business. I certainly don't want to hurt anyone by revealing and discussing what I know. On the contrary, I would like to help open minded readers get started on some very cost effective, radical home-made solutions. I can describe in detail the steps necessary to create some home-made formulae which have proved to be very successful in my own system. I'll await reaction before I continue.

The OP reminds me (a lot) of Dr. Audio, for those who recall that episode in A'Gon's history.

Aside from preferring English Leather to Canoe I'm with Geoff on this one.


whostolethebatmobile OP
Quick question. How do you know the effects are anti-static related and not something else?

I came to that conclusion after I painted my turntable mat with the antistatic mica/graphene paint. The effect was similar to, but much greater than the Furutech anti static SK-Filter which I also use. The effect of the SK Filter can also be greatly magnified by taping home-made anti-static painted tape to the arm, and to the base.

>>>I find it rather difficult to ascribe cause to effect. Don’t you?
The OP reminds me (a lot) of Dr. Audio, for those who recall that episode in A’Gon’s history.

I hope the episode didn’t end badly.
>>>I find it rather difficult to ascribe cause to effect. Don’t you?

It may be a stretch to presume, but it's all I've got really.
‘Here's a link to a Chinese company selling graphene/mica for antistatic coatings
The company is in Hebei, at the center of the Coronavirus outbreak, if I am not very much mistaken?
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