Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria?

After years without one, I'm considering getting a CD player. I'm not against streaming, but I have many CD's and would like the simplicity of just playing them from time to time. I probably want to cap my expenditure at $700, or so, because this won't be the only way I play music.

A few questions:
If you've purchased a new CD player, what did you buy? Why?
If you've purchased a used player, how old is too old? What factors helped you choose?

My concern with used is that the transport mechanism of older players will be getting tired, and this won't be knowable just because a unit "checks out" with the site (or individual) testifying to the player's working condition. There's got to be an average point for many machines to give up the ghost, mechanically (varying from machine to machine, of course).
I just bought a new Tascam CD-RW900MK11 for $300.I wanted it mainly as CD recorder but was surprised it's a good transport also with my Bryston DAC.For 300 bucks new at Sweetwater a pretty good deal and it records rewritable CDRW's.

I am looking forward in reading about your evaluations and reviews.

Happy Listening!
Thanks, jafant, and others for your reports and suggestions. One of the difficulties in contributing back to this forum is that my system is still so primitive (relative to audiophile stuff) that I'm building things up to a point where I might be able to have an opinion! But I will report what seems to be a real result, when they verifiably occur!

If you are looking for IC recommendations, look on Audiogon for Acoustic BBQ ICs and speaker cables.  Bill Dion (grannyring) sells Duelund wires with very good connectors at more than reasonable prices.  If you haven't heard of the Schroeder Method of using double sets of ICs to each component, it makes a very significant difference in all ways compared to regular single ICs.  Bill sells a set of double ICs for $289--his regular ones are $179.  This is a super deal.  I have double ICs each needing 4 sets of splitters to do all the connections.  Bill has 2 separate sets of cables all build to do the double so you don't need the splitters at all.  There is more increase in sound quality by doubling the ICs than if you were to double or even triple the price of a single IC from the same manufacturer.  Duelund wires are very natural sounding much like real music.  This idea comes from Doug Schroeder who reviews for Dagogo online.  I guarantee you that all who have heard this configuration will never go back to a single set of ICs.  Bill's speaker cables are also Duelund and he sells them for $379 for an 8 ft. pair.
