Jerry Raskin's Needle Doctor Gone?

I noticed that the website has been down for at least the last 2 weeks, but I know it was up before Christmas as I was shopping for cartridges. I've purchased quite a few things there, they've always been very helpful and informative. Just in case it was a dumb intern not paying attention I tried the 1-800 number, but the mailbox is full. Not a good sign!
Has anybody heard anything? Maybe I'm getting old, but this was one of the few online sources 15-20 years ago besides the behemoths. I'd be sad if they folded. We need more, not less sources out there!
Yes, it is strange he did not sell the business if the "money was good."
He could have just fire saled it or given it to the employees. Something else is going on here he does not want to talk about. 
Cancer of the tongue is certainly a brutal disease. Brutal is an understatement. 
I spoke with the former manager recently, and he confirmed that yes, they were on a good run, but Jerry decided to shutter the place to focus on his art photography.  He is not selling, at least for now.
That's really sad to hear, I wish him all the best. That's exactly my age - and I have friends who are facing similar issues. All I can say is F* cancer.
Thanks all who chimed in - I got sidetracked myself, life comes at you much faster when you're Jerry's or my age! I understand not wanting to have anything else to focus on but what is going to make you whole - no way I could second guess his decisions about straight-up shuttering the business.

They were a great resource in the pre-amazon days. When my ex wanted to buy me a turntable for my birthday 15 or so years ago - but not ask me - she knew I liked them and they walked her through the process.
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