fair complaint about Audiogon, violating no guidelines, removed

earlier today I posted complaint about this site, violating no guidelines, mentioning no party in particular, using no profane language....nice discussion ensued, then TAKEN  DOWN  by website!!!!
Audiogon lets plenty of sketchy stuff get through, especially posts that don't agree with me 100% or recognize how hilarious and smart I am. A mystery...I do think they should be a little tougher on whining though as that's simply tawdry and disturbing, especially when exclamation points are used!
Post removed 
Many years ago, I did a  "new posting" which was never published. I had recommended Tivoli radios as being a remarkably good sounding with even a few similarities to high-end products. With a stereo Model#3 set-up on either side of my bed including their sub-woofers, jazz recordings on local stations sound outstanding. I still use the radio to this day; of course I have some major components assembled in my LR. I still don't know what line I crossed. Stereophile even reviewed the radio. 
@french_fries - I have a Tivoli radio stereo set-up and what kills it for me is that I cannot get it to draw in any FM stations unless I am virtually sitting next to the broadcasting studio!
The one or two stations I can get sound good but just about any $30 boom box seems to have a better tuner. Do you have any antenna tricks outside of using the wire antenna that comes with it?