Levinson 5805

Well, my 4 month old Mark Levinson 5805 has pooped the bed. No lights, nada.
incoming fuse is good.
back to the shop, we will see what they say. I am hoping for a replacement if it is not something simple.
thank goodness for a good dealer. They offered a loaner, but I'll wait a few days before lugging another one of these things around LOL.
I really love the sound of it.. hoping it is something stupid.

Keep us all posted as you get info. It sucks, but things do happen like this from time to time, hopefully, ML will take good care of you, and sounds like your dealer is too, which is a huge benefit. Nice integrated for sure!
Should have chosen McIntosh instead.
Oh wait , audiosnobs say it is not real high end.

Well I guess it’s reliable.