What is the most FUN pair of speakers you've ever had and why?

Not the most expensive, not the best reviewed, not the biggest, but the most FUN.  You know, that ONE that just makes you throw on some more music and keep listening, the one that makes your toes tap, your head bob, your ass move the most.  The one that makes you think to yourself "damn, why doesn't everyone have a pair of these?" Let 'er rip. 
Another vote for the ESS AMT monitors... actually still have them (picked up used for $450 in the early 90's) and are in use daily.   
Infinity 1.5, with 12” dual Watkins woofers & emit tweeters.  Bought them used in 1980, and they still rock.  Ran them back then with a Hafler DH-500, paired with an Adcom GTP-500 II and a Technics SL-1200 (Stanton 681EEE).  I used to take them to parties and it would shake a room, I even set them up in gyms, and people would be amazed at the sound.  In today’s standards, they’re not that accurate, but when you turn them up with a stable amp, they can still amaze you.
I too had a pair of Altec 19s..ran with S.A.E 2400L 200 watt or so amp...man did I rock back then.
Surprise to see no mention of Zu Audio Omen DW. I think they are quiet fun speaker with great looks and very reasonable price.
I'll second Omen Dirty Weekends.  Easily the most fun speakers I owned.  Big tone, great dynamics. Even though I still own other Zu models there are days I wish I hadn't sold mine.