Integrated Amplifier for KEFLS50's or Bowers & Wilkins 706 S2's

Trying to decide what integrated amplifier with AirPlay 2 to buy for use with either the KEF LS50’s or Bowers & Wilkins 706 S2’s.

Considering the new Arcam SA30 or the new Hegel H120 but my location makes demoing very difficult. Anyone with knowledge or experience with Arcam’s SA20 or SA10 or Hegel’s Rost, H90 or H190 integrated amps?

My desk system is an H160 with a pair of 707s2 (which are less sensitive than the 706) and think it is perfectly fine. I have only compared it to Classe 70, NAD 314 and Lamm/VAC combo. My impression of the Hegel is that is very even handed through the frequency range, avoiding distortion especially in upper range. It is unoffensive, somewhat polite tone, although I would not call it recessed. Even though the 700 range could be described as a little soft, I like the match. The dial source selector is slightly annoying, but the rest of the design and the volume control is great. It lacks color and vividness, especially the preamp section compared to a Lamm L1, when I tried it in different configurations in the living room though a pair of JBLs. 
Hi, yes my friend is, unfortunately, trapped in the iOS environment for all his media. Pretty sure he's happy with the air play performance, otherwise I would have heard about it. I can ask him tho.
I think I’m going to get some ls50’s at the current 900 price and pair them with marantz pm7000n streamer amplifier for what should be a nice sounding budget office system to replace powernode2 and NHT c1