to fb or not to fb... that is the ?

I have been in a few audio fb clubs and have found that they are not well monitored... and some people get on just to attack and put people down. If you post... you are fair game. However... it is a great place for uploading and sharing photo's, videos, information, and events. To get away from all the yahoos... I have started a fb club where if someone is there just to cause trouble... they will be removed. So... just seeing if there is any interest. Currently only 16 members. It's called Audiophiles - High End Audio.

Wow, I'm finding this most enlightening. I've assumed everyone was on Facebook, a much bigger audio and music crowd than any audio forum I have ever seen. The ability for pictures and words alone reaches far beyond forum pages.

I actually have 2 facebook timelines. As soon as my personal page hits the max of 5000 fb friends I will build the mga timeline to 5000. That's 10,000 personally selected listening friends to keep in touch with.

I belong to forums, have my own forum and website and do facebook. I can't image at this point not having facebook. However I am surprised and excited to read the opinions here, very telling indeed.


From what I have seen so far here, the Audiogon crowd is definitely more insular than your average Farcebook mob.

I gave up on Farcebook years ago, even being a mod in a speciality closed group did not seem to end the idiocy on display from people whose egos were far greater than anybodys I have seen here on the Gon.
Good luck out there MG, its a cruel world!
@andera   I have joined.  To get more traction on the group I feel you need more discussions. The more people interact with a group the more that group's posts appear in member's newsfeeds and alerts. Take a look at 'the audio cognoscenti group' a Uk-based audio group that sprang out of the very successful and well-moderated 'audiophiles uk - hifi and music'.  That former group, although new, is active and growing.
good luck!