Problem with older REL subs & class D amps

I'm posting this as a "heads-up" - per tech support at REL - that certain REL sub-woofers of the past do not accommodate tapping into the high level output of class D amps using the cables originally provided.

Options are (a) to use the low level (preamp) output into REL sub low level input, or, (b)obtain a special cable that they call "high level digital out" from a REL dealership.

Subwoofers designed prior to the rise in popularity of class D amps are apparently the ones that fall victim to this. Best to obtain details from a REL dealer or tech support at Sumiko. (It sounds like the folks at Sumiko hope that your dealer can help you with this... understandable, as this is the purpose of a dealer...).

Its probably noting more than the insertion of a LPF in the hi level interconnect line---pretty easy fix i would think.
The purpose of the dealer [I am one] is to be the go between between the importer and /or manufacture and the customer. I find that nowadays I know no more about a produce than anyone else as I have no more info than is posted on the web site. Almost without exception all I get from a company is the price sheet; sometimes some blurbs but no technical info. It use to be you would get repair manuals, I still have some from the old days. When I called REL for some technical data on their subs the told me to call a dealer, they didn't know the answer. How the dealer is suppose to know things the importer [ who owns REL] doesn't know is beyond me. So don't expect too much from your dealer, many of us are enthusiasts like yourselves who have no source of info except the ones you have yourself.