Upgrading speakers in HT/2 channel system

Looking for input and opinions on upgrading my VS VR4JRs. Something in the $5-10K range, new or used. Like all kinds of music. Like detail and air but not harsh. Have a sub, may get a second but want the new speaker go into at least the low 30s. Want floorstanding less than 48"H and similar in size to my current speakers in W and D. Can be a little bigger. Want something that also looks nice for WAF. Less than 150 lbs each.
Currently have a:
Marantz AV7005(will be upgraded later cause doesn’t play nice via ARC with new TV).
NAD c658
Naim Unitiserve with NAS
Verastarr SSA64 and Bel Canto EVO6 and EVO2 amp

LSA 20 Statement - haven’t heard
Monitor Audio PL200
Focal 1028Be or 1038Be
Sonus Faber Olympica III - haven’t heard
Joseph Audio Perspective only heard their monitor
Used Wilson, VS Endeavor, Audes, etc.?
Thanks for any input.

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Seems like Dynaudio Contour 60 might meet your requirements.  The Focals you mentioned are older models and some say their beryllium tweeters are pretty bright, at least brighter than those in the new Kanta line.  Used Focal Sopra No 2 are now starting to show up below $10k. 
Like detail and air but not harsh.

To me, that screams Joseph Audio.  Since you’re using a sub I’d seriously consider the new Pulsar Graphines as they go pretty low on their own and will save you a good bit over buying the Perspectives.

Shows you how different people think. I vote for the Sonus Faber. It punches well above it's price point and easily has the best looking enclosure for the wife. It is the only speaker in your list that could be considered fine cabinetry. Only the Wilson can match it sonically. 

I have listened to the Monitor audio pl200ii and preferred to the Focal 1028 be and Dali Rubicon 8, looking at used Epicon 8 and PL300ii. Thoughts? I want the speakers to look as good as they sound. The Dynaudios don't do it for me, the SF, DALI, .and Monitor Audio  do