Favorite punk song.

Mine is Primary by The Cure.  You may not think of them as Punk now, but this song has Punk in spades and it has a story with some serious attitude.   What's yours?
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I will have to say The Buzzcocks " I' Believe" Sorta an anti punk song coming in at over 7 minutes but Pete really spells it out big time in this one.

If I was going  to go for less than 3 minutes...Husker Du "New Day Rising". I  got to see that band only once.
O.G. punk-

The Who's 1965 "My Generation" The lyrics and spirit of the song is THE MOST "Punk" before there was "Punk" Who was first.

Does anyone remember the scene in Quadraphenia?

Otherwise, GSTQ and the first Ramones album sum up that period.