Your Top Five Blues LPs, SQ-wise...

Wondering what the general consensus would be here.  What five Blues LPs would you pick to showcase your sound system’s strengths to another Blues lover?  Not so much interested in “historically important” discs here as much as Blues on vinyl that just sounds fantastic enough to prompt one to wear out an expensive cartridge/stylus on...
Thanks in advance.  Just getting into the genre myself via the various streaming radio feeds and never seem to catch the names of artists/titles so I don’t have a list of my own, but I’m drawn to great Blues guitar sounds and unforgettable lyrics which let the listener know, unmistakably, that the singer has, “walked the walk”...
@slaw thnx for tip on TYA. Unfortunately not their greatest fan. They make a great playlist though. But what is "S/T". See it often in vinyl threads.

Isn't Lyle Lovett "Music from the movies" rather blue?
I saw Coco Montoya a couple weeks ago in Denver for maybe the 4th time and since then have been listening to a lot of his music.  While he wasn’t on my original list of 5, he should have been.  All of his music is exceptional and his album ‘Can’t Look Back’ is really good and deserves a mention. Truly one of the better blues guitarist of our time.
Love the Ghost World reference and that it went unnoticed. I appreciate that.