Need help with a forced downgrade

So I find myself in the unfortunate position of needing to sell my current turntable a VPI Prime and downgrade to a less expensive table to generate some funds to pay off debt. I am giving myself about $600-700 for a budget. I will be keeping my 2M Black cartridge and Icon Audio PS1 phono preamp for now. If you were in this position what would you be looking at that wouldn't be a huge disappointment.
I have a guy locally that has a Technics SL1200 M3d and a SL1700MKII. Both look to be in near mint condition. He is askingĀ  $500 for the 1200 and $350 for the 1700. If I understand they have the same arm and motor. The difference is the 1700 is suspended and semi auto otherwise essentially the same? Would a 2M Black be a good match or ditch it for a cart that matches the arm better. My PS1 is MM only. I could also dich the PS1 for an inexpensive MM/MC phono.
Get the 1200 - a classic and better resale value. Don't buy until you sell the VPI. You could be left with both.