New Scansonic MB2.5B vs older MB2.5

Someone has heard the new Scansonic MB-B series, in particular I would like to know the comparison between the old MB2.5 and the new MB2.5B.
Hi Contuzzi
What would you like to say with "Great speakers if your listening style/usage fits the bill"?

If you’re not expecting a rock concert, if you can have them well out in the room, etc
After about 3 months that I have the new MB2.5B at home, I can only speak well of these speakers. After a break-in period of over 200 hours these speakers have become delicious. Large opening at the top, excellent bass and medium persuasive. Excellent sound stage and depth of image. After several tests of amplifiers I stopped on a Lyngdorf SDA2175 (200w per channel on 8 ohm and 380 watts on 4 ohm) driven by a Primaluna Prologue 3 preamp. They need good and many watts (it is important to use an amplifier that has good control) to play the best. I don't know the first series of which I have read that many have had some problems managing. But these I can only recommend. Excellent value for money.
I tried the MB2.5B’s. Incredible speaker. Mid range like a Maggie and Spendor. Yet more detailed in the treble without being fatiguing. Bass is good. Soundstage amazing too. Bass is fast and tight, but needs lots of room to breathe. Transparency also improving all the time. Extremely versatile speaker from a music style perspective. I ended up with the MB5B’S, as my room was too big for the 2.5’s. Didn’t pressurized the room enough. My room is 50sqm.