Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Please, guys. If I want to read or participate in political argument, there are endless other web opportunities. We don't have to do it here, and I'd really like to continue to be able to read this thread without having to skip through endless political opinions and discussion. It doesn't in any way further our audio passions, the real reason any of us visit Audiogon or other audiophile message boards.
How did I arrive at that? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck... it's a duck.
Rotarius you make a lot of assumptions based on your attacks, I never brought up Fox News, YOU DID. I never insulted anyone by calling them "not very bright" (which you also did) simply because I didn't agree with their views. It must be hard for you to be SO MUCH SMARTER than everyone else. Does it ever get tiring to have to point out how stupid and ignorant other people are while your brilliance on every single matter is unimpeachable?
I apologize to the other members here who have to read through this drivel to get to the good information found on this great site. It just sticks in my craw when someone who doesn't know me in the least thinks its OK to portray myself and others as "not very bright". I've never said anything negative about anyone's views as I would never consider it OK to judge someone solely on their political or social opinions. This is the last I will respond on this matter as it is not worth the time or effort to continue and again I'm sorry it got to this.