Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Lore versus Lore-S?
Would anybody say they prefer Lore over Lore-S or vice versa?
Would be very much interested to hear an opinion.
I spoke with Eric and I was given to understand that Lore will have deeper feeling in the lower range just due to the driver size. Is this something that the owners of these especially if someone had a chance to compare will share?
Thank you
Mogami coaxial with Lore
Sorry for another one at so short interval - did anybody use Mogami cable with Lore? How was it, anything with better return on investment :)?
Avs9. I used different cables with the lore and the pendragon including mogami and my favorite so far are the clear day cable.Give Paul a call he is a wonderful guy and excellent cables maker. Good luck
For those of you who listen to talk radio you might get a kick out of this. Glenn Beck an national radio host has a pair of tekton lore s. I guess he liked them so much he did a quick spot on tekton.

It is on tektons web site.
I made a number of comments comparing the Lore-S to the Lore. Look page a few pages and you'll find those posts.

Short version: I ended up keeping the Lore instead of upgrading to Lore-S. I liked the better dynamics of the Lore, although the Lore-S had better depth of soundstage and microdynamic details, and was also a bit warmer and smoother sound. I could see people preferring it over the Lore, but I really think realistic dynamics are more important than those other areas, so kept the Lore and am working on other areas of my system to close the gap in other areas.

I'm close to finishing some DIY Hypex Ncore monoblocks - probably will have those running by this weekend. I'm also interested in experimenting as others have with upgraded capacitors in the Lore crossovers.