Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

I think we should also remember the original question. Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

For 1 grand the lores ares a heck of a buy. As a matter of fact Tekton could have have charged much more.

So, I just want to say thanks Eric for making such a great sounding speaker at a very reasonable price.
Thanks for the comments Rsfphil . Remeber I had the NHT SUPER ZEROES with the NHT subwoofer . So it took some time for my ears to adjust . I still miss the bass from the sub , because in my opinion it was also tighter , but the Lores are a keeper for me.
For some varied experience...even though the Lore's sensitivity seems to be accurate, we are using the Lores with a Naim Nait 5i and a Naim CD5/Flatcap.

The combination is stunning! All components were bought used for around $2,500 and I am amazed at the sound quality of this second system for such a low price.

Not concerned about bass rolloff or frequency extremes with this speaker.
I drove my lore with a primaluna 1 and sounded really good. Last weekend I decided to experiment th lore with a high power SS amp(tad125 hibachi mk2) and a mingda mc7 with response audio mods. I knew this mono block will be too much for the Lore.The lore sounded fantastic with this mono block and I decided to keep this setup for a while. The amps are overkill but for some reason the Lore opened up alot more and i heard a nice tight low end that I was missing with the Primaluna.
Sorry, but the last post is pretty funny... nuf said about that!

My Lores are pretty nice for a 1k pair of speakers though.

; )