Problem with BAT VK 3000SE

Dear All,
               I am from India and I am having a Balanced Audio VK3000SE Integrated amplifier.  The amp. goes automatically to MUTE mode after playing for about 30 minutes.  While the sound is completely muted off, the display shows  "FAULT RIGHT".  I am helpless and it is very difficult to get it repaired I will ve very thankful to you if you are helpful to me in fixing this problem.  Thanks a lot.
 I would take the top off and swap the two tubes.
gnanasekhar OP
This would be a good easy first starting point.

And for you info it's ok here because it's solid state output, but never run a tube poweramp without speakers connected, there's a possibility of oscillation which could take out the output transformer/s
Cheers George
Thanks again for your valuable responses.  The amp. goes to MUTE MODE even when the volume level is kept on ZERO. The CD Player was not turned on and I only switch on the amplifier.
@gnanasekhar are you reading these responses?  The volume is irrelevant.  Swap the tubes!  Jeez!!!
Post removed 
I am very sorry for not properly respond to your suggestions.  I tried to remove the tube and it is concealed and very difficult to remove and I am trying to find a technician to remove it.