Best budget streamer on the market now?

I know there have been lots of threads around this subject but the market moves forward very quickly on this tech so....

Using Google Chromecast Audio right now for my two older systems and while I do not have a problem with the units themselves the control app, BubbleupNp leaves something to be desired constantly crashing on my android phone.
Now maybe someone knows of a better more stable app for starters?

Failing that all I need is the ability to connect wirelessly to my home network ( has to be able to connect to Qobuz!) and be able to send an analog out signal via stereo rca ( my older system integrateds do not have any other options).
No other features required.

Thank you.
Forewarning, I am merely a novice. I had a Chromecast Audio connected through a iFi SPIDF reclocker which I greatly enjoyed. Sound was great to me. The difference between the Chromecast alone and the Chromecast plus iFi SPIDF reclocker was night and day. I eventually started having so many connectivity issues with the Chromecast that I abandoned it and bought the Bluesound Node 2i. I haven’t looked back since. 
I consider that the Node N100, 2, and 2i are all a good choice not just because they sound good, but because the BluOS apps and total capability of streaming, from paid services and any radio station that streams to even some pretty obscure podcasts. The free updates to both firmware and apps is incredible.

I'd just pick up a used desktop PC.  The mini Dells are perfect.  Install Jriver media server.  Ad a wireless remote, and you are up.  Ideally a high quality DAC card, or a USB DAC is the final touch.  All easily done for less than $300.  
@tlee1, have you tried the bluesound with the iFi reclocker? I wonder about the value of the  Nodes as merely streamers. 
I’m using a exaSound Sigma streamer as my main electronic music listening device with good results, although at $750 it may not rate as "budget."

It got a brief good review from (I think) Kal Rubinson: