Modding the Zu Omen MKII

Hi all

I am a bit courious as to if anyone else went down the DIY mod path with their Omens?

What are your experiences?

On my mod list (so far)
- New Double xover capacitators
- Adding a parallell resistor to the tweeter
- Stiffening of the cabinet
- Painting the insides with noise-x
- New internal cabeling
- New bolts and fastenings for main elements.

They now sound fantastic! And play in a different league!

And probably more mods to come! ;-)
Hey man,

I spoke with radian and zu. They were skeptical. How does this work with the throat being deeper on that lens? Opposed to more flush like the larger zu lens. 

Basically not figuring this thing out over here :) 
I don’t really understand what they are saying there.

with the bracket the distance will be the same as for your current driver...

if the laws of physics don’t change, when you change the driver, the speed of sound coming from the new driver will be the same as from your old....
hm. I see your point! Thank you.

I had a look at the ASD 1001 Eminence drivers. They come in a B-version with that bracket off... So yeah. That would be the same thing.

Thanks, man! :)