Here is an interesting artist that's new to me, and I wanted to share his music.

Jon Batiste is a musician Rok just introduced me to. From the first notes he played, I knew he was from Louisiana, with out knowing anything else about him.

Here's his bio

This is the tune Rok submitted;

It was one I will eagerly add to my collection. I thought I would share this with other music lovers seeking new artists.
Trust me, there are folks in the bayous of Louisiana that will make  New Orleans and any other place  seem normal.

All folks revert when they loose contact with and  the influence of the dominant society.

Nice Mingus clip.

Jon Batiste is definitely very talented musician just listened to his latest live album really enjoyed it. I wasn't real excited about the last album maybe need to listen again. As for the Colbert show he is extremely annoying with his noises and comments. That being said I heard him I interviewed on Fresh Air with Terry Gross and felt it was excellent. 

Here is a great sounding New Orleans inspired brass band with a few twists mixed in.

Rok, I'm not sure any New Orleans natives have been attracted to this thread, and they are the only people who could answer the question "What makes New Orleans so special that rich and famous natives never leave?"

In the meantime, what special gems have you acquired since way back when?