What amp is best with Wilson Sasha DAW speakers

Just received my new Wilson Sasha DAW speakers and am now beginning to sift through a long list of electronics that would bring out the best in them. If anyone owns these and could give some recommendations I love to hear them. I’m open to tube or solid state. Looking for amps and preamp. All opinions are appreciated.
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The reason for the sudden interest in a preamp  is that my Spectral DMC 20 s2 preamp’s phono stage just stopped working so I had to send it in for repair. So right now I’m without anything. I know I really need to focus on the amp matching the speakers first but I have a Krell 300c which I’m not fond of but it does work. It’s just raggedy in the highs, a little bright. However that was with the spectral preamp too so that may something to do with it. I know tubes aren’t neutral but they have a natural organic sound that can fool me pretty good since I’m not at the recording session. I know you understand what I’m trying to say. BTW I had the Model # wrong on the Pass it is the 260.8. 

Regarding the GAT, you’ll want to give careful consideration to the fact that like most CJ preamps and line stages it has very high gain, 25 db in this case. If you use digital sources, which of course usually provide considerably higher output voltages than phono stage/cartridge combinations, depending on the gain of the amp you end up choosing, and on your listening distance and other variables, the result might be having to use its volume control at undesirably low settings. And while the not particularly high 91 db efficiency of your speakers suggests that might not be an issue, it is a factor that should be considered IMO.

Also, the fact that the GAT provides only unbalanced outputs might result in it not being fully optimal for use with whatever amp you end up choosing. And for that matter there are a few fully balanced amps, notably the Audio Research Ref series of amps, which only provide XLR inputs and in addition cannot be properly driven by single-ended signals even if an RCA-to-XLR adapter is used. In those cases something like a Jensen transformer would have to be used to convert a preamp’s single-ended outputs to a true balanced pair of signals. I mention that, in connection with ARC specifically, because in your initial post you indicated that tube amps are a possibility.

Good luck, in any event. Regards,
-- Al

I have owned the ARC Ref 40 and the VTL 7.5. I purchased the VTL to replace the Ref 40 when I upgraded my speakers as the change was clearly bringing out the “truer then true” characteristic of the ARC amp. By this I mean it’s tendency to make everything sound bigger than life, more dynamic and more impactful but all rather similar. This could be because I match with VTL amps so the combo works well. The 7.5 is more honest but maybe less immediately attractive but I feel it is more true to the source. This comparison by Roy Gregory rings true to me


Clearly these are all good amps and personal preferences and system matching will be what matters, not another persons opinion of which is “best”
Thank you for you input on the three preamps. Everyone’s input is very important to me. Even tho I’m aware I cant make a choice just solely based on what others say it does help to hear everyone’s personal preference. Which amps and preamps you all prefer and your reasons why helps me to choose a direction to pursue. The Wilson Sasha DAW is a very transparent speaker. I’ve heard it sound lush full and warm and also lean bright and cold depending on what electronics are used. Therefore any experience with different electronics on this speaker will help me. All you comments and advice are greatly appreciated. 

Any particular reason you don't own JC1's? As you seem dead keen on them. What do you own?