Favorite Collaborations

Your favorite collaborations.  Not song writers who compose together (Lennon, McCartney; Becker, Fagen....).
Two or more extraordinary talants who come together to create  extraordinary music.
Some of my favorites
Joe Sample, Randy Crawford
Linda Ronstadt, Nelson Riddle
Johnny Hodges, Billy Strayhorn
Jobim, Sinatra/ Jobim, Gal Costa 

Fripp & Eno

Kind of disappointed Bob Dylan & the Hawks was so far down on your list :-)

@boxer12, I’m disappointed in myself for not going to The San Jose Civic Auditorium on the night in the fall of ’65 that Bob & The Hawks performed live ;-) . I know a couple of guys who did, and I’m SO envious. To think they were at that point in time already making such advanced music, while The Beatles were still singing boy/girl love songs to crowds of screaming teenage girls, greatly amuses me.

I had heard only Bob’s single "Subterranean Homesick Blues", which left me completely bewildered---I had no idea what to make of it. Hey, I was only 14! The fact that he recorded a song as astounding as "Desolation Row" that Summer just astounds me. He was light years ahead of EVERYONE else in Pop music.

@mapman, that Old & In The Way album is not only good music, but recorded in audiophile quality sound! I bought it when it was first released, my first Bluegrass album from the current generation (I already had LP’s by Bill Monroe and the other old-timers). I knew of David Grisman (O&ITW member), as a bassist I knew (we were both members of the same San Jose/Cupertino musician clique) had in 1971 started going up to Mill Valley to take mandolin lessons from Grisman. David told him there were plenty of mandolin players, but a shortage of upright (acoustic) bassists. So Todd (Phillips) got himself an upright, and ended up becoming one of Bluegrasses busiest bassists, working with Grisman himself. I jammed with him a few years back, and his 18th Century upright sounded amazing!

Old and in the way, a wonderful collaboration.  Back in the day,
the 1st NRPS album, (bluegrass/pop rock), packed with some
wonderful tunes.  Old and in the way, a few years later, got down
to the nitty gritty.

Oh man, great one roberjerman! Others include Chuck Berry and Johnnie Johnson, Muddy Waters, Willie Dixon, and Little Walter (damn!), Little Richard and Earl Palmer (vicious Rock ’n’ Roll!), Roger Hawkins and David Hood/Levon Helm and Rick Danko/Al Jackson Jr. and Duck Dunn, my three favorite rhythm sections.

Patsy Cline and Owen Bradley, George Jones and Tammy Wynette, Emmylou Harris and Gram Parsons, Buddy and Julie Miller, Ray and Dave Davies, AC/DC and Mutt Lange, this list goes on and on!

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