Any other lone audiophiles here?

By "Lone" I mean you have no other local audiophile buddies. That describes my experience. My wife and I usually listen together. I have no other friends to borrow equipment or to audition theirs. In spite of that I believe I've done a pretty good job of putting together a system which is very good. I've done it strictly by reading reviews, etc and lots of research. I see the situation as both an advantage and maybe a curse. The advantage is that Maybe I don't know what I'm missing. The curse is may be that I often wonder IF I need to upgrade? Or am m missing something.? Like right now. I just bought a CJ CT5 preamp which is silly good.So now I wonder about my amp? The CJ retails for 8x more than my silly little tube amp...a Bob Latino ST-70. Yet I believe that amp is fully pulling its weight while hooked to a preamp which is silly good. Surely, this amp can't be the be all end all. However It did replace an amp which retails for 4x its price. Who knows? maybe its the ST-70 which needed a better preamp to show off its stuff. Nonetheless, I enjoy the music  immensely. and all the advice I've gotten from people on the forums over the years. FWIW, I also play drums  and have played live. So I DO know what live music sounds like. So, maybe I'm not shooting totally in the dark.
@ artemus_5,
Aside from the gear you have, I could have written the original post myself. I live on a deserted island known as the state of Kentucky.

Islanders here believe the best sound systems include Bose and Onkyo, and all purchases are to be made at Best Buy (or Circuit City since many are of the belief they are still around).

I have purchased a contraption that allows me to access the new invention called the "World Wide Web" and make purchasing decisions based on reviews and forums such as this one.
Post removed 
Artemus G,

Your situation gave me an idea! We have a Audio club here in Phoenix that has existed in an anemic form since the mid 80's. 25 members in a city of 4 million + .  I went to my first meeting about 2 years ago and was
shocked by the makeup of the group. At 64 I felt like one of the Kids.

When the President passed away last year it was put to everyone
that if someone would not take the job as president, the club would fold up its tent permanently. As a newbie fool, I agreed on the condition that we must build membership or I had no interest.

I think we will setup a special membership for people like you who don't live nearby or travel well. As I am totally inept at all technological pursuits, I must rely on others to tell me what is required acheive this goal.

A videographer yes. But how to transmit it so people can watch and listen in higher resolution?? Anyone? 
I thought I was the only loner. My wife appreciates good audio as well as video, but has no interest in gear. I had a friend who introduced me to AG about 15 years ago and taught me some basis. Since we are no longer friends, I don't know anyone who shares my interest. It seems as my friends and family get older, they're less interested in music - and/or their all listening on BT speakers off their phone. 
I enjoy reading this forum and have learned a lot. But actually hearing other systems would be helpful. Also, there are so few retail outfits that sell the high end audio any more, I'm pretty much resigned to buying sound unheard on AG and hoping I chose right. 
I was a lone audio nut for decades.  lately I just don't have time for it, other priorities.the further down the audiophile road you go, the more of a shut-in you become,
because you have to sit inside your house all day to enjoy it.