Tidal Sunray vs Gryphon Trident

Interesting if anyone had a chance to compare this great speakers!
I respect very much both of this companies.
I did AB comparisions between their amps and pre.
For my taste Gryphon Colosseum was better than Tidal Impact, but
Tidal Preos was better than Gryphon Mirage.
So now I want to get new speakers and going to compare Tidal Sunray with Gryphon Trident.
They are very much different.
Sunray is all ceramic drivers with dimond tweeter.
Trident is traditional but with 1000watt A/B class amp embedded for LF.
Any opinions?
No, no, no.

Not forest or trees. I'm talking forest AND trees. Like a real performance. I prefer the floor of the hall for an orchestral performance, which is more detailed and involving compared to the balcony. But the detail is a means to an end, and not an end in itself.

Recordings have a certain perspective in terms of space and position. They are all different. Altering that perspective is a coloration that accentuates certain frequencies to make some aspects seem more prominent. But when you accurately reproduce a recording, the detail is there but it resides more in the subconscious. The goal is to reproduce the recording in a natural way and not to alter the presentation. If you make it into something it is not, something else has to compromised.

When paying for premium audio components without compromise, expect . . . no compromise.
I have had a chance to hear the Kaiser Kawero. I have not yet heard the Tidal speakers but I have to say that the Kaiser speakers would be very hard to top. By far the best speaker I have heard. I had limited my budget to significantly less than the Kaiser speakers cost but after hearing them it is very hard to listen to other speakers knowing what I am missing.
Luthcol, thank you for comment. We have one in Moscow and I'm going to get it for audition at home.
Rtn1, I understand your position. I also mean forest AND trees.
And I'm sure that everyone is looking for the same: as close to real as possible.
What I mean is that listening from 1st row and from 10th is very big difference. Most of recording made from microphones which are placed near the instruments, so the real accurate reproduction must bring you very close to orchestra. And if not, than this is coloration.
It is my opinion, but who knows the truth?
I would very much like to hear your thoughts on the Kaiser speakers after you audition them. Tidal are the other speakers I am most interested in. I would like to hear what you think are the strong and weak points of each speaker.
Murataltuev, I would also like to know your thoughts on the Kaiser. Looking at it, I'm not sure how it made your list. It isn't full-range, and rear-facing woofers are a challenge. Anyway, maybe something about it will click...