Hana Cartridges / Excel

Hana is to have made “ Other” OEM cartridges for companies. 

Who were those  other cartridges or companies

The S series sound great 

SAEC in Japan, Argent in USA in the past and Etsuro nowadays just to name a few. Read in my thread about it.  

Excel also made MM and MC carts under their name Excel Sound in the 70's 

Thank  you you for the insight.

Argent, no kidding , my roommate played an argent on an AR turntable in school.  


I see your, posts a lot on cartridges 
What TT, Phono, cartridges are you using today?



I see your, posts a lot on cartridges
What TT, Phono, cartridges are you using today?

Hello Jeff, i’m using two Luxman PD-444, right now with Fidelity-Research FR-64fx with N-60 stabilizer (FR-7fz cartridge), Victor UA-7082 (Victor MC-L10 Direct Couple cartridge), Technics EPA-100 with Grace LEVEL II LC-OFC with original Sapphire cantilever, and Lustre GST-801 with Miyabi MCA. I have many cartridges in rotation (MM/MI/MF/LOMC/HOMC)

Denon DP-80 in original plinth will be connected soon, got many different tonearms to experiment with.

Only one modern arm (Reed 3p "12), the rest are all vintage, all cartridges are from the 80’s.

Phono stages are:

*Gold Note PH-10 MM/MC with power supply PSU-10
*WLM Phonata reference MC/MM

various SUTs and headamps here (when i need them)

P.S. No tube gear at the moment
The hana el is no slouch either, probably the best sounding low cost moving coil on the market. It really has a way with bass, and has an open sound. Compared to my blue point no 2, it makes it sound a bit closed in. The sl will deal with sibilance a little better than the el, being a line contact. I load my hana between 400 and 500 ohms (loading plugs) with my musical fidelity lx lps. It also sounds terrific with the pro-ject tube box ds2.