What is the least compressed signal?

Hello everyone.I was wondering what everyone's thoughts might be about what is the least compressed front end signal? A friend of mine recently told me that radio signal is compressed. So I thought maybe a direct connection to a CD player? Or, since CDs are pretty compressed, maybe a record player? Thoughts?
the reason I ask is, my friend recently gave me a fantastic pair of speakers. And I've been listening to the radio through them. He had a disgusted look on his face and told me I was not using these speakers how they were meant to be used, because the radio signal is kind of crappy and compressed. I would love to use the speakers as they were intended. Meadowlark kestrel hot rods hooked up to an Integra receiver w/ kimbers
An observation: when you analyze the CD offerings on eBay especially, the highly collectible and or desirable ones, what you will find is that the highly compressed versions sell for considerably less than the uncompressed versions which usually but not always are the original versions. The trend is not your friend. The same thing is true for vinyl. Everybody wants their music dynamic, not wimpy.
">>>>No loss in sound quality except for the compression, I.e., loss of dynamic range. And just to clarify a common misconception, aggressive compression does not (rpt not) provide benefits to resolution or any other audio characteristic, with the exception of loudness, which you could have obtained by turning up the loudness knob."

Hello geoffkait,

     I completely agree with you that compression of dynamics for the sake of increasing average volume level is to be avoided, I want my music dynamic, too.
     However, the compression mentioned in my description of Lossless audio files, such as FLAC files, refers to the codec's ability to compress the size of the file and then decompress it upon playback with zero loss of information, including dynamics.  My understanding is it's the same quality as WAV files without the very large file size.

you betcha ddjr  --listen to what you  want to.   As far as radio goes...  need all the ducks in a row for best quality sound that is possible within constraints and that is a difficult and rare dynamic to set up these days considering the state of FM.   Firstly..  a   60's or 70's  high performing tuner---there's  plenty to choose from  (discrete components)  of at least 5 gangs   that has been restored and it is receiving an analog signal via a rooftop rotatable antenna (FM only antenna).  Now the next not so minor issue is living in an area that still has uncompressed analog signal broadcasting.      Not to mention what kind of music is being played and is the station non commercial-- (my preference--some college stations or other )    Being I was in the bay are for the last 40 yrs I listened to a lot of FM and the quality generally reasonably good  and at times causing a double take on my part at the dynamics and resolution.  So,  it is possible but for most not particularly doable to the extent one may prefer for any  number of reasons.     The tuner plays a significant  part in all this.   Although the antenna of course is as significant .  Cant expect to begin to get quality sound without having a really good tuner nor the rooftop antenna to get best quality signal.   Thats what signal and multipath  meters are for.    At any rate,, I moved out of the bay area a year ago  and now listening via internet to my favorite stations.    Of course CD and vinyl play a part as well.   Miss  tuning in via analog.   Actually just set up a tuner here with just a dipole antenna and surprised at quality of sound for local station in Chico, CA .     
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