Need a Roon, Wifi, DAC Expert Please!

I am currently running Roon/Tidal on my iMac over wifi to a Squeezebox server (Logitech Transporter). From there, if the file is 24/48 or less, it goes to a an upgraded Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 DAC for processing. If higher res or MQA, I let the DAC in the Transporter do the work. From the DACs, I run into an upgraded Sonic Frontiers SFL-2 into PrimaLuna HP monoblocks (KT150 tubes/triode mode) into Wilson Audio Sabrinas in a near-field position. The system sounds fantastic, however I believe it could sound even better with modern components.

I want to take full advantage of Roon/Tidal and use one box for all the DAC work (and music server work if possible) and I want to stay wifi as I can’t run ethernet from the router to the where the stereo is located. Many of the DACs I would be interested in (PS Audio, for example) require ethernet to take full advantage of their capability.  I need a wifi solution.

What’s your recommendation on the best way to accomplish this? I am open to any feedback!
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Not an expert, just reporting experience.

I use Netgear mesh modules to provide ethernet to an Ayre QX-5 Twenty digital hub and to a microRendu/Ayre Codex. Both setups show 192 when a 192/24 file is sent by Roon. I think Roon does only the first unfolding of MQA.
The system sounds fantastic, however I believe it could sound even better with modern components. 
Indeed.  I will throw an idea in another direction.  The SF SFL-2 is 25 years old.  I had this for a short time and found it to be very flat and dry for a line stage loaded with tubes.

Tube line stages have come a long long way since then.  Updating this system link by throwing another $3-4k into a "newer" line stage would likely take your system to levels far beyond changing the digital source.