Rockport Sirius III & Micro Seiki 8000 comparison

Arrival of 4 Ears from Germany for Shootout in my Home. Rockport Sirius III Direct Drive Turntable with Linear Arm / Micro Seki 8000 in a unique version with an additional RX 3000 as an interia unit.
Some mods have to be done first, but the System is getting the right temperature......

checking Plate Current...

Rockport Sirius III turntable

with a Lyra

Olympos SL cartridge
connected to a modified Lamm LP2 with a special custom made SUT for it
and the Front End...

Lamm LL1 Preamp

Lamm ML3 Amps

.... now back to work ... more coming
Ag insider logo xs@2xunoear
Hello Fred,

Will do, you are right, I need to tie this thread up...I will post my thoughts in a day or so. As you know, Mik was really happy to add to his mix of Rockports; he is such a huge fan and is wonderfully mad about the Andy's solutions. Right now I am practicing the art of doing nothing while looking at a large pond that was once referred to as, "you know, it is a big body of water;" at the end of the day, apparently he was right on!

Thank you for the kind invitation to visit with you in Houston. I will be back over to the bayou city in April and I will give you a shout when the dates are tighter. I would really enjoy getting the chance to visit with you, thanks!

Many years have passed since this thread, many turntables have come and gone. The list of decks owned is ever increasing, the collection of Rockport Turntables ever growing. I still conclude the Rockport system 111 when painstakingly set ups and with a few revisions is the finest turntable I have ever heard. I sit here with the Airforce premium, a cs port the latest walker and a host of others. The Rockport is one class act a turntable that would be almost impossible to recreate today and one that would make no economic sence.