Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's?

Contemplating the A3's and would like to know if the REF600M will drive them properly. Currently using Martin Logan Montis and these aren't a great indication of what these amps can and will do.
To answer your direct question, yes the REF600 will drive the Magico A3, but I agree with Audio Troy's assessment regarding the dry sounding nature of the REF600 which may become more evident with the hyper detailed Magico. 
Audio Troy - again, listen please. Simple question.....does anyone one here have both and can give me an assessment. READ the original post header!

You are too busy trying to share your vast audio knowledge which is not helpful to me. 

And....I must have touched a nerve as twice you mention I should know better as a previous industry member. 

I can tell you this. In my vast experience as a business owner, I would never engage a potential customer on this level. 

Nothing will transpire from this useless arguing  so I'm done with this post
Whoa! Can we return to civility here? Opinions are just that -- opinions -- no need for personal insults.
On to the question. I have Magico A3's, which I drive with a Krell FPB 300 cx, a Class A amp. Have not heard the Bel Canto Ref 600's, but years ago had a Bel Canto Class D power amp but did not find the sound natural at all; it was cold and "steely." I cannot comment on current (no pun intended) Class D amps, other than to say I have never heard one that sounded natural or musical. I love the A3's and the Krell works perfectly with them -- more than enough juice and a slight touch of warmth. I suspect similar amps like Pass also would work well.
To also chime in on your original question, I would classify the Magico A3 speakers as a moderately difficult load to drive. The specs on the Ref600M (600W into 4 ohms, 27A peak, 2 ohm minimum) indicate it should be capable of driving the A3 just fine. I have not heard the pair myself though.

We currently have the Magico A3's paired with a Bryston 4B3.