Why According to some Turntable extremists Pitch Control and Direct Drive is Sacrilege?

Why shouldnt perfect direct drive speed and pitch control be part of an Audiophile turntable system.  Not having pitch control is like missing a stereo mono switch.
Every high end turntable should have pitch control. 

You really should get use to adding to your Japanese DD obsession diatribes with the caveat...."in your opinion"...not everyone does or is required to be that narrow of mind and sight to enjoy their music , played back their way. Some folks don't want to have to build a massive plinth and modifications to motor drives that actually sound terrible without that expense. So they really are in many cases incomplete for some. I own all drives. They all have as I said before, their own strengths and weaknesses,  their own sound which for some, that sound is the preference THEY choose. All the ranting and knocking down of others choices and labeling what they choose as cheap junk and yours as the best choice for all, doesn't make it so. It makes you come off as unable to allow let alone even entertain the fact others choose for their needs and wants and don't really care about what you or anyone else claims as fact.
Its just your opinion,  and that I respect and your entitled to it.
You just need to realize your not in any way entitled to belittle or force your narrow view of things on others as gospel. They are also entitled to have the right to their own opinion and it be respected as such..... till your given the official title of The authority on turntables. ...it's just your opinion.  The nice thing about opinions when respected, people can absorb and learn new things. Thats how an open mind and an open forum works. When it parades opinions as fact with personal jabs it becomes something less functional and less knowledge is willingly shared and those that push their opinions often don't even know the experience they are shutting themselves away from ..... 
Ah it was you Bruce : ) Please to meet you again.
 Firstly, your deck is the most interesting thing since Salvation in modern High End really, IMHO. Of course the tables are different, yours is made of metal both platter and base, Vic´s is slate with aluminium platter, and the tables look different. Both platters/spindles have very tight tolerances and practically weight the same, platter damping techniques are quite different too, though. Different motors yet both very high quality. 
 Yet there is something very special in both designs that takes these decks to a higher performance level, namely the maglev spindle. I know exactly was this means because I´m experienced too. The maglev simply works. That´s why I call your design as an incarnation of Salvation, you see. The Anvil is another implementation to the speed stability subject.  The essence is the spindle ass´y, the heart of the turntable. For me there is no mystery. There are not so many that sophisticated maglev designs in the market, I´m afraid...
Thanks for the kind words. Yes the maglev implementation (when properly executed) is a win win, although it does add a bit to cost. I remember our conversations and enjoyed them. As you discovered  assembling a top notch tt can be frustrating!


You really should get use to adding to your Japanese DD obsession diatribes with the caveat...."in your opinion"...not everyone does or is required to be that narrow of mind and sight to enjoy their music , played back their way.

I don’t even read after that paragraph, you did not even mentioned what turntable are you refering to as your own choice while i have actually mentioned some exceptional vintage and new direct drive turntables with current price tag. So, again, i have no idea what you’re talking about, i hope you’re not advocating for those cheap plastic belt drives like Rega or similar junk, because i’ve seen and tried them, most of my friend (newbies) who bought them by mistake (brainwashed by reviews) replaced them later with vintage Technics DD recently and noticed huge improvement in everything from sound quality to usability (and it was affordable high-end, talking about this pair). And all of them who did not replaced them yet, but heard my DDs in my system, are willing to replace their belt drive turntables as soon as possible.

Glad you own all types of turntables, but you won’t tell us the brands, exact models and prices.

I don’t want to own all types of turntables, i only need a few, but i want to make sure the speed is correct, the sound is great and i don’t have to service them often. I’m much more interesting in tonearms and cartridges to reach my audio nirvana. I appreciate design of those vintage DDs and i don’t like the design and everything associated with belt drives in the same price range, there is nothing to choose, really.

If you think there is some in $1500-3000 price range than can compete with Luxman PD-444, Denon DP-80, Victor TT-101 or Technics SP-10mkII please add links and we will see what do you mean. There are mode decent DDs, but i onwly mentined what i have (had).

There is a belt drive that does not looks like a plastic toy, but it’s $30k minimum (without tonearms). It is not affordable for me.

At the moment your post in pointless untill you will name turntables of your choice if you’re so proud of the belt drives.


You really  , really , really should read , then comprehend BEFORE you reply. Where did I say or give the idea I was all about belted tables or cheap plastic stuff. Why are you so demeaning to anyone who points out there are other choices besides what you narrowly see and opine like your the gospel according to chatter.
I like , own and appreciate all drives for their individual sound and the unique way each approaches the same goals for playback. I currently own an Orbe SE with Graham 2.0 tc arm,
Recently purchased back my Micro RX 5000 and put on an Sme iv arm and the max 282 I had kept. I have a Lenco 75 with a Trans Fi terminator arm. I recently refurbished an SP 10 mkii A and set it in a panzerhotz and carbon plinth with the EPA 100 mkii arm I bought with it. I have a Reed 3p arm to be used on a custom table I am in the middle of building (mass weight heavy plinth and platter belt drive.
I use to repair and refurbished many of those Japanese DD tables so it's a mystery to me why your  so thick and quick to defend what you don't need to. I NEVER said they were inferior or belts were better....that's your thing to run others choices down because they don't match yours and even go off half cocked when no one said your wrong , but desparaging others opinions and choices is not impressive,  at all.
I am fully aware of how good many DD tables were in their day and how the value they have can be good IF YOU LIKE THE SOUND OF THEM. To some they don't do it for them , some like a good idler , others a good belted unit for THEIR preference and budget.  Not everyone can afford what some of us took a lifetime to build up and enjoy. This I do know, many a Rega owner is happy with what they have, enjoy it and that's all that matters. Owning this stuff isn't impressive chackster,  it's fortunate we do , but the guy with the lowly belt drive you actually used the word hate to describe. ......he enjoys his own preference, his music and gear as much as anyone....so why be a jerk and look down on them.....respectful attitudes to fellow enthusiasts  costs nothing. .......