Recommnedation for the BEST SOUNDING integrated amp up to $3500

Possible downsizing on the way. Therefore, would like to get recommendation for the "best sounding" integrated amp up to $3500 and with at least 100RMS. I generally would be buying used to stretch my buying limit. 

Don't need or want a built in DAC, tone controls, or streaming devices or USB inputs and output. Though, it might be impossible to forego these features in integrated amps made in the last 5 to 7 years  One major consideration would be an integrated that can compete with many separates combos.    

I realize I maybe grasping at straws in my price category 

Thank you,



Thank you  to all who have responded so far. I will carefully look over each recommendation. 

To initforthemusic.  The speakers are Golden Ear Technology  model 7 but they may be replaced in the near future. I listen mainly to classic rock and some rock jazz fusion. Also listening more classical symphonic. I prefer an amp that is neutral without sounding bright, or edgy the sound, also not in to over warm amps with boomy or bloated bass response  I hope that answers your questions.

To jackd, The Audio Flight 3 S sounds like an interesting choice. Need to check out some reviews. I want to make sure it can drive the Magneplanar  .7 speakers      

Nice to see the Rogue Cronus Magnum II/III gettting some love here. I just purchased one after 2-3 years with SS (Belles Aria), and am loving tubes! May keep the Belles for the summer months as the tubes do throw a bit of heat into my 11'x13' room.

I find the Rogue CM III has better (incredible actually) soundstaging, detail, and low end vs. the Belles. The Belles can sound a tad on the bright side but "hits" harder. Put on Billie Jean by Michael Jackson and the bass drum will go through your chest.

@audionoobie Thanks for that comparison. I have a Belles Aria integrated that I think sounds absolutely wonderful but have pining for a CMIII. I have heard the CMII and, tube rolling aside, it's plus/minus vs the Aria. Never thought the Aria was a bright amp by any stretch but it's all relative. Eager to hear the CMIII next week at a local dealer and see if it's worth the upgrade ...

If you don't need a DAC and only need a pure analog integrated amp I would recommend the Rega Elicit-R analog integrated amp retails for $3k new and it's within your budget. Very musically engaging and involving amp.