Alon 4 or JBL590?

By any chance has anyone out there heard both speakers and care to offer an opinion on which is better?
I may have a chance to buy either, but cannot audition beforehand.
Not recommended I know, but curious as to experiences of others as to how they compare!
Hi spa, I have not heard the JBL's but I used to own the ALON 4's, I sold them, not because I did not like the sound ( I did! ) but because they needed so much power to get them to sound good! At least 200 watts per channel!  That really limited the amps I could use, as good 200 watt amps are very expensive. I have since only used speakers with high sensitivity so my choice of amps is greatly increased.Just something to think about,TISH
racamuti - Thanks. Do you mind if I ask what you moved on to, and whether they sound as good or better than the Alon's?

canibefrank - Thanks also, 'can I be frank'(!) with you and ask your reason for suggesting that 590 are better? :-)
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